Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 – The Board of Commissioners of North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA) will hold a regular meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 (rescheduled from 01-22-25), at the Wilson Operations Center, Conference Room A, 1800 Herring Avenue (Hwy. 42 Business), Wilson, N.C. (notice).

Cancelled – Friday, January 24, 2025 – The Board of Directors of ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc. (“ElectriCities”), North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number 1 (“NCMPA1”), and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (“NCEMPA”) will hold a regular monthly meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, January 24, 2025, 1427 Meadow Wood Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604, and via conference all at 1-872-242-9031 / MEETING ID: 774 544 504#. (notice).

2025 Board Meetings

NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)
EC BOD (9 a.m.)
MonthJanuary 2024
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)21
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)22
EC BOD (9 a.m.)24
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)28
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)28
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)22
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)23
EC BOD (9 a.m.)25
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)**22 (Thurs.)
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)None
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)22
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)23
EC BOD (9 a.m.)25
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)None
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)24
EC BOD (9 a.m.)26
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)None
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)None
EC BOD (9 a.m.)24
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)18
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)19
EC BOD (9 a.m.)21
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)16
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)17
EC BOD (9 a.m.)19
MonthJanuary 2025
NCMPA1 BOC (10 a.m.)20
NCEMPA BOC (10 a.m.)21
EC BOD (9 a.m.)23

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