We have members from more than 90 communities across North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
They range from tourist and retirement destinations to suburban communities to hubs for entrepreneurship and economic development. And while they each have their own unique identities, they all share the common connection created by public power.
System Established: 1910
Population: 16,338
Customers: 12.505
Contact: 704-984-9405
Website: https://www.albemarlenc.gov/
System Established: 1917
Population: 58.797
Customers: 26.400
Contact: 919-249-3400
Website: https://www.apexnc.org/
System Established: 1916
Population: 4.973
Customers: 4.219
Contact: 252-481-5817
Website: http://www.ayden.com/
System Established: 1920
Population: 1.415
Customers: 1,057
Contact: 252-943-3055
Website: https://www.townofbelhaven.com/
System Established: 1913
Population: 3,943
Customers: 2.001
Contact: 919-894-3553
Website: https://www.townofbenson.com/
System Established: 1920
Population: 355
Customers: 200
Contact: 828-245-5108
Website: https://townofbostic.com/
System Established: 1906
Population: 6.061
Customers: 2,497
Contact: 704-435-1700
Website: http://www.cityofcherryville.com/
System Established: 1913
Population: 26.323
Customers: 7,737
Contact: 919-553-5002
Website: https://www.townofclaytonnc.org/
System Established: 1904
Population: 105,186
Customers: 33,019
Contact: 704-920-5200
Website: https://www.concordnc.gov/
System Established: 1916
Population: 34,432
Customers: 3,962
Contact: 704-892-6031
Website: https://www.cornelius.org/
System Established: 1925
Population: 5,936
Customers: 3,737
Contact: 704-922-3176
Website: http://www.dallasnc.net/
System Established: 1926
Population: 1,764
Customers: 1,244
Contact: 828-437-7421
Website: http://www.ci.drexel.nc.us/
System Established:
Contact: 252-328-6858
Website: https://www.ecu.edu/
System Established: 1908
Population: 4,397
Customers: 4,072
Contact: 252-482-2155
Website: https://www.townofedenton.com/
System Established: 1891
Contact: 252-335-3826
Website: https://www.ecsu.edu/
System Established: 1926
Population: 18,629
Customers: 13,003
Contact: 252-338-3981
Website: https://www.cityofec.com/
System Established: Prior to 1940
Population: 1,869
Customers: 1,275
Contact: 252-445-3146
Website: https://www.enfieldnc.org/
System Established: 1910
Population: 4,447
Customers: 3,013
Contact: 252-753-5116
Website: http://farmvillenc.gov/
System Established: Chartered 1905
Population: 208,871
Customers: 83,881
Contact: 910-433-1990
Website: https://www.faypwc.com/
System Established: 1910
Population: 7,364
Customers: 4,178
Contact: 828-245-0148
Website: https://www.townofforestcity.com/
System Established: 1903
Population: 380
Customers: 302
Contact: 252-749-2881
Website: https://www.townoffountainnc.com/
System Established: 1918
Population: 1,196
Customers: 748
Contact: 919-242-5151
Website: http://fremontnc.gov/
System Established: 1900
Population: 80,367
Customers: 30,072
Contact: 704-866-6719
Website: https://www.cityofgastonia.com/
System Established: 1916
Population: 4,943
Customers: 2,601
Contact: 828-396-3131
Website: https://www.granitefallsnc.com/
System Established: 1905
Population: 87,882
Customers: 71,120
Contact: 252-551-1500
Website: https://www.guc.com/
System Established: 1922
Population: 305
Customers: 240
Contact: 252-798-2001
Website: https://www.town-of-hamilton.org/
System Established: 1915
Population: 1,912
Customers: 1,184
Contact: 252-426-5311
Website: https://www.townofhertfordnc.com/
System Established: 1893
Population: 113,887
Customers: 43,204
Contact: 336-883-3289
Website: https://www.highpointnc.gov/
System Established: 1922
Population: 270
Customers: 268
Contact: 252-826-4573
Website: https://www.thetownofhobgood.com/
System Established: 1907
Population: 439
Customers: 432
Contact: 252-747-3816
Website: http://www.hookertonnc.com/
System Established: 1916
Population: 61,403
Customers: 7,759
Contact: 704-875-6541
Website: https://www.huntersville.org/
System Established: 1897
Population: 19,820
Customers: 11,849
Contact: 252-939-3110
Website: https://www.ci.kinston.nc.us/
System Established: 1917
Population: 2,616
Customers: 1,697
Contact: 252-566-3186
Website: https://lagrangenc.com/
System Established: 1919
Population: 3,691
Customers: 3,532
Contact: 704-857-2411
Website: https://www.townoflandis.com/
System Established: 1925
Population: 15,192
Customers: 5,548
Contact: 910-276-8324
Website: http://www.laurinburg.org/
System Established: 1904
Population: 19,458
Customers: 19,357
Contact: 336-243-2489
Website: https://www.lexingtonnc.gov/
System Established: 1900
Population: 11,553
Customers: 2,856
Contact: 704-736-8980
Website: https://www.ci.lincolnton.nc.us/
System Established: 1906
Population: 2,906
Customers: 2,020
Contact: 919-496-3406
Website: https://townoflouisburg.org/
System Established: 1904
Population: 18,877
Customers: 11,275
Contact: 910-671-3800
Website: http://www.ci.lumberton.nc.us/
System Established: 1928
Population: 412
Customers: 345
Contact: 252-827-4823
Website: https://macclesfield.municipalimpact.com/
System Established: 1920
Population: 3,706
Customers: 1,185
Contact: 828-428-5000
Website: http://www.maidennc.com/
System Established: 1900
Population: 34,551
Customers: 11,231
Contact: 704-282-4500
Website: https://www.monroenc.org/
System Established: 1899
Population: 17,464
Customers: 8,529
Contact: 828-437-8863
Website: https://www.morgantonnc.gov/
System Established: 1902
Population: 31,116
Customers: 23,395
Contact: 252-636-4000
Website: https://www.newbernnc.gov/
System Established: 1915
Population: 17,993
Customers: 8,942
Contact: 828-264-3671
Website: https://nrlp.appstate.edu/
System Established: 1896
Population: 13,117
Customers: 4,610
Contact: 828-695-4300
Website: http://www.newtonnc.gov/
System Established:
Contact: 919-513-7178
Website: https://www.ncsu.edu/
System Established: 1918
Population: 709
Customers: 504
Contact: 919-242-5126
Website: http://pikevillenc.gov/
System Established: 1925
Population: 1,201
Customers: 719
Contact: 252-827-4435
Website: https://townofpinetopsnc.com/
System Established: 1939
Population: 10,610
Customers: 4,111
Contact: 704-889-2291
Website: http://www.pinevillenc.gov/
System Established: 1910
Population: 3,098
Customers: 1,714
Contact: 910-843-5849
Website: https://www.redsprings.org/
System Established: 1919
Population: 1,268
Customers: 975
Contact: 252-508-0311
Website: https://www.townofrobersonville.com/
System Established: 1902
Population: 54,351
Customers: 28,782
Contact: 252-972-1111
Website: https://www.rockymountnc.gov/
System Established: 1903
Population: 1,646
Customers: 1,374
Contact: 252-826-3152
Website: https://www.townofscotlandneck.com/
System Established: 1913
Population: 6,328
Customers: 2,868
Contact: 919-965-9841
Website: http://www.selma-nc.com/
System Established: 1923
Population: 1,693
Customers: 1,467
Contact: 252-446-9441
Website: https://www.sharpsburgnc.com/
System Established: 1912
Population: 21,883
Customers: 8,433
Contact: 704-484-6840
Website: https://www.cityofshelby.com/
System Established: 1912
Population: 11,165
Customers: 4,603
Contact: 919-934-2116
Website: https://www.smithfield-nc.com/
System Established: 1916
Population: 3,973
Customers: 3,206
Contact: 910-457-7900
Website: https://cityofsouthport.com/
System Established: 1920
Population: 757
Customers: 1,224
Contact: 252-238-3608
Website: http://www.townofstantonsburg.com/
System Established: 1889
Population: 28,120
Customers: 14,036
Contact: 704-878-3550
Website: https://www.statesvillenc.net/
System Established: 1897
Population: 10,695
Customers: 6,263
Contact: 252-641-4220
Website: https://www.tarboro-nc.com/
System Established: 1895
Contact: 919-962-8394
Website: https://www.unc.edu/
System Established: 1909
Population: 47,625
Customers: 6,660
Contact: 919-435-9410
Website: https://www.wakeforestnc.gov/
System Established: 1905
Population: 9,811
Customers: 13.961
Contact: 252-975-9300
Website: https://www.washingtonnc.gov/
System Established: 1923
Population: 10,044
Customers: 3,178
Contact: 828-452-2491
Website: https://www.waynesvillenc.gov/
System Established: 1892
Population: 47,941
Customers: 35,503
Contact: 252-399-2200
Website: https://www.wilsonnc.org/
System Established: 1920
Population: 3,214
Customers: 1,736
Contact: 252-794-2331
Website: http://windsornc.com/
System Established: 1900
Population: 10,419
Customers: 3,301
Contact: 252-756-2221
Website: https://www.wintervillenc.com/
System Established: 1905
Population: 4,872
Customers: 3.400
Contact: 864-366-2109
Website: https://www.abbevillecitysc.com/
System Established: 1905
Population: 3,075
Customers: 1.882
Contact: 803-245-5128
Website: http://www.bambergsc.com/
System Established: 1903
Population: 7.602
Customers: 4.435
Contact: 843-479-9001
Website: http://bennettsvillesc.com/
System Established: 1902
Population: 7,764
Customers: 11330
Contact: 803-432-2421
Website: https://www.cityofcamden.org/
System Established: 1907
Population: 7,737
Customers: 4,117
Contact: 864-833-7505
Website: https://www.cityofclintonsc.com/
System Established: 1911
Population: 23,009
Customers: 15,654
Contact: 864-855-7900
Website: https://www.cityofeasley.com/
System Established: 1907
Population: 12,589
Customers: 7,473
Contact: 864-488-8800
Website: http://www.getintogaffney.com/
System Established:
Population: 8,361
Customers: 5,123
Contact: 843-545-4001
Website: https://www.georgetownsc.gov/
System Established: 1896
Population: 22,295
Customers: 14,429
Contact: 864-942-8105
Website: https://greenwoodcpw.com/
System Established: 1914
Population: 35,367
Customers: 32,579
Contact: 864-848-2150
Website: http://www.cityofgreer.org/
System Established: 1922
Population: 9,346
Customers: 5,461
Contact: 864-681-4300
Website: https://www.cityoflaurenssc.com/
System Established:
Population: 2,184
Customers: 1,100
Contact: 864-852-2225
Website: https://www.townofmccormicksc.com/
System Established: 1896
Population: 10,487
Customers: 4,951
Contact: 803-321-1000
Website: https://www.cityofnewberry.com/
System Established:
Population: 12,704
Customers: 24,601
Contact: 803-268-4111
Website: https://www.orangeburg.sc.us/
System Established:
Population: 1,178
Website: https://www.prosperitysc.com/
System Established: 1911
Population: 73,905
Customers: 39,667
Contact: 803-329-2500
Website: https://www.cityofrockhill.com/
System Established:
Population: 8,843
Customers: 7,723
Contact: (864) 885-2700
Website: http://www.seneca.sc.us/
System Established: 1896
Population: 8,170
Customers: 6,986
Contact: 864-429-1700
Website: http://www.cityofunion.net/default.asp?sec_id=140005136
System Established: 1921
Population: 2,350
Customers: 1,499
Contact: 864-647-3200
Website: http://westminstersc.org/
System Established: 1899
Population: 6.602
Customers: 6.780
Contact: 540-587-6001
Website: https://www.bedfordva.gov/
System Established:
Population: 3,368
Customers: 2,035
Contact: 434-292-7251
Website: https://www.townofblackstoneva.com/
System Established: 1886
Population: 42,590
Customers: 48,457
Contact: 434-799-5100
Website: https://www.danville-va.gov/
System Established: 1891
Population: 15,093
Customers: 7,768
Contact: 540-653-8007
Website: https://www.frontroyalva.com/
System Established: 1904
Population: 13,485
Customers: 7,755
Contact: 276-403-5000
Website: https://www.martinsville-va.gov/