Cold Weather Resources

Resources for Sharing with Customers During Cold Weather Months

The winter months traditionally have us indoors more as the days get shorter and cooler. With so many working and learning from home now, our homes are working overtime to keep us warm. Taking steps to help conserve energy will help keep you comfortable in your home while saving money. Whether you’re able to take one step to help improve your home’s energy efficiency or more, every little bit helps. Take a look through the below for cold weather resources, tips, and best practices.

Tools and Downloads

TempTracker 365 Tool

Our TempTracker 365™ tool records daily high and low temperatures in our member communities so you can see weather trends in your area. Share this resource with customers looking to see how winter weather might impact their energy usage and monthly bill.

Winter Weather Energy Saving Bill Inserts

Browse the multiple cold weather bill inserts (Warm Up To Savings, Space Heaters, Do Your Winter Bills Give You Chills?, and more) that educate and provide customers with energy saving tips. Order bill inserts directly from ElectriCities here.

Virtual Energy Efficiency Checkups

Available for customers of ElectriCities public power communities (NCEMPA and NCMPA1 power agency members), these free checkups are conducted by an ElectriCities Certified Energy Advisor and are great options for customers looking to increase efficiency and save money.

Spreading the Word

For communities looking to spread the word among customers and promote energy and money saving tips, consider the opportunities below:

  • Pen an op-ed for your local newspaper providing tips for consumers on ways to save money and energy this winter.
  • Share your utility’s winter weatherization prep through a series of photo or video posts on social media.
  • Dedicate a page on your website to winter weather energy saving tips (and consider adding a link in your email signature to those tips during winter months).
  • Reach out to your local media about serving as a resource in any upcoming winter weather preparation stories they may have on their editorial calendar (and encourage them to run a story if they don’t already have one planned!).
  • Include energy saving tips in any materials that may be handed out at outdoor holiday gatherings, festivals, or tree lighting events in your city/town.
  • Arm your customer service reps with talking points and best practices to share with customers over the phone.