Summer Load Management and How You Can Save Money


If you haven’t already prepared for the summer heat, it’s time. Your local electric provider may offer a Load Management program. A Load Management program is intended to reduce your power costs by decreasing the electricity demand when your usage is highest.

Residential Load Management

Participating in a residential load management program involves having a remotely controlled switch attached to your appliances that impact peak demand most.

“Now is a good time to participate in your local load management program, learn how it works and the value of it—especially with the extreme temperatures we’ve experienced so far this season,” says ElectriCities Field Operations Manager Jason Thigpen.

Customers already participating in residential load management need to prepare for summer.

  1. Different appliances are affected. Water heaters are typically controlled year-round, but air conditioners replace heat strips in summer.
  2. Load management time frames. In winter, peak demand is usually 6-8 a.m. Summer peak periods are more prolonged and typically in the afternoon—about 2-7 p.m., most occurring between 3-6 p.m.

“Almost every local public power member in North Carolina participates in load management in some form, which collectively saves customers millions of dollars each year,” says Thigpen.

“Taking steps now to manage the summer demand peaks ensures you don’t miss out on those savings.”

Information about load management is available for customers through your hometown public power utility that is working to help you reduce energy and save money.

Contact your local electric provider for more information about load management or transitioning to summer load management.

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