Congratulations to Kevin Josupait, P.E., ElectriCities’ Manager of Projects & Contracts, on being unanimously elected president of the Southeastern Federal Power Customer, Inc., (SeFPC) Board of Directors.
The SeFPC is a group of municipal power companies and electric cooperatives that represent more than six million electricity customers in the Southeast. The group’s goal is to “raise awareness and build understanding of the benefits of hydroelectricity and to protect it as a natural resource,” according to its website.
Kevin has served on the SeFPC board since 2016, representing 47 Power Agency members that receive hydropower from the Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA). These Power Agency members are allocated 95 megawatts of hydropower capacity, the energy of which is produced at various dams in the southeastern United States that are operated and maintained by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

“Hydropower is a clean and renewable energy source and a small, but important, part of the power supplies of both North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number One (NCMPA1) and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA),” Kevin said.
During his two-year term as board president, one of his responsibilities is presiding over the quarterly Board of Directors meetings. There, members hear from SEPA on the performance of the hydropower plants and the status of major projects, get updates on legislative issues affecting hydropower, and get reports from the SeFPC’s committees.
Kevin said he appreciates the comradery of the group. “I enjoy meeting with the other utilities and having discussions about their power supply, challenges, and how hydropower fits into their overall portfolio,” he said. “It’s an honor to lead and serve this group.”
For more information about the SeFPC and hydropower, visit