ElectriCities Smart Sites® are genius for growing communities


Even in the midst of our current economic situation, communities across North Carolina are investing in their future with the help of ElectriCities of N.C. and their Smart Sites® program.


Pamlico Yachtworks drops anchor in Beaufort County

In Beaufort County, a new yacht building company is bringing 207 new jobs (with 40 to 50 new jobs added each year) and a $12 million investment over the next five years, according to a November, 2019 article in the Washington Daily News. Boston-based yacht manufacturer MJM Yachts is creating Pamlico Yachtworks, a new division of the company located at the Beaufort County Industrial Park.

The operation will make its new home in the Beaufort County Committee of 100’s Industry-Ready Building, a 24,300 square foot structure that was the result of collaboration between the Committee of 100, Beaufort County Economic Development and the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners.


Global packaging manufacturer chooses Wilson, N.C.

Neopac, US, Inc., a global manufacturer of primary packaging for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, chose the public power community of Wilson for its first U.S. manufacturing plant and new North American headquarters. The company will build a new high-tech facility for high barrier Polyfoil® tube production at the Wilson Corporate Park. The total yearly capacity of this line will be 80 million tubes, and the facility will have room for expansion of up to four high speed production lines.


A great development in Drexel

An ElectriCities Smart Site® has just been certified in the public power community of Drexel, North Carolina. This site features 50+/- acres ready for development and is located in a business park zoned for manufacturing. It is close to I-40, just 60 minutes from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, and only 10 miles from the nearest general aviation airport. The site also has railway access. For more information, call the Town of Drexel at 828-437-7421 or email sbradshaw@townofdrexel.net.


Prime opportunity available in Tarboro, N.C.

An Electricities Smart Site® is available right now in the public power community of Tarboro. Situated on 90+ acres of land, the Tarboro Commerce Center shell building is now under-construction and is close to major highways and roughly an hour from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. It is also located equidistant from the ports at Norfolk, Va. and Wilmington, N.C. For more information, visit https://www.electricities.com/smart-sites/tarboro-n-c/.

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