ElectriCities’ Programs and Services Department contracts for services and materials on behalf of its member municipalities when economics of scale would result in savings by bidding as a group rather than individually.
Programs and Services provides administrative assistance, but the municipality interacts with the vendors directly once a contract is executed. Programs and Services will assist to resolve any misunderstandings between the municipality and the vendor or when the level of service or products is not as it was represented during the bidding process.
Initial Contact with ElectriCities
Normal business hours at ElectriCities are 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Because our work is serving our members, the staff of the Programs and Services Department is often in other cities and towns. For that reason it would be best to call and set up an appointment to ensure you do not miss us and an opportunity to present your products or services.
Application for Placement on Potential Bidders List
Vendors wishing to be placed on ElectriCities “Potential Bidders List” are to apply by email or calling (919) 760-6293. Vendors can also apply online by completing a Vendor Application on our website by clicking on “Member Login” at the top of any page. Each application will be placed in the appropriate category or categories for future reference.
Bidding Procedures
Specific bidding procedures are established by the North Carolina General Statutes, and municipal governments are required to follow them. ElectriCities will adhere to the laws and provide for the uniform treatment of all vendors. It is important that each vendor be familiar with these requirements and follow them. Please feel free to contact our staff if you have any questions about bidding procedures.
Decision to Bid
Pursuant to 160-460 et seq. of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the participating municipalities who wish to join together to bid as a group must advise ElectriCities of their desire and enlist them to solicit and receive bids on their behalf. Once authorized by the municipalities to act on their behalf, ElectriCities gathers all necessary information to prepare the necessary bid packages, legal advertisements, bid tabulation sheets, acceptance notice forms, and contract documents.
Bids are available for inspection in the offices of Programs and Services once a contract has been awarded. A request to see the bids should be made to the Manager of Programs and Services 24 hours prior to your visit to ensure someone is available to meet with you and answer any questions you may have.
Gifts and Favors Prohibited
The North Carolina General Statutes, 133-32, makes it unlawful for any contractor, subcontractor, or supplier who:
- has a contract with a governmental agency; or
- has performed under such a contract within the past year; or
- anticipates bidding on such a contract in the future
to make gifts or to give favors to any officer or employee of a governmental agency who is charged with the duty of:
- preparing plans, specifications, or estimates for public contract; or
- awarding or administering public contracts; or
- inspecting or supervising construction.
It shall also be unlawful for any officer or employee of the governmental agency who is charged with the duty of:
- preparing plans, specifications, or estimates for public contract; or
- awarding or administering public contracts; or
- inspecting or supervising construction
willfully to receive or accept any such gift or favor.
The employees of ElectriCities’ Programs and Services Department will adhere to the law and no gifts or favors will be accepted from any vendor. Vendors are requested to abide by this policy if they wish to be considered for opportunities to bid on contracts.
Advertisement for Bids and RFP's
No current requests for proposals.
No current advertisements for bids.