We are committed to economic growth,
and so are our members.
Working with the leaders in our communities, business, and government, we create places where people want to visit, live, do business, and retire. From smart sites and grants, to cultural events and city projects, our communities are brimming with opportunities that allow them to thrive.
As we focus on the future, our goal is to leverage the unique culture of each community as we channel economic growth for years to come.
Smart Sites®
The Smart Sites® program, also known as S2, was created by ElectriCities to assist member communities in preparing shovel-ready sites for economic development.
How a Hydroponics Startup is Bringing Farms to Tables Everywhere

Grants and Resources for Your Projects
Smart Communities Grant
Downtown Revitalization Grant
Smart Site Certification
Tradeshow Calendar
With the help of ElectriCities, we created a new logo which helped us put our best foot forward from an economic development perspective–I don’t know what we would have done without them.
Newell Clark, Mayor
Lexington, North Carolina